Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Child Obesity Treatment

Obesity in children is the biggest problem we all need to fight against right now. Maintaining your child's health includes calculating their BMI and looking into the negative effects of obesity. Call us right away to schedule a well-child visit. Treatment for obesity in kottakkal Ayurveda involves more than just weight loss; it also involves adjusting your metabolism by eliminating excess Ama and fats in order to balance Kapha and prevent Vata from getting worse. Because it fortifies the body's tissues and amplifies the digestive fire, a healthy metabolism is crucial. Yoga and dietary guidelines from Ayurveda can aid in weight loss and the treatment of obesity.

kottakkal ayurvedic treatment centre provide child obesity treatments are

  1. Panchakarma.
  2. Vaman (Therapeutic emesis),
  3. Virechan (Therapeutic purgation),
  4. Lekhan vasti (Medicated enema) are advised for the management of Sthaulya.
  5. Single drugs: Guduchi, Vidanga, Musta, Sunthi, Amla, Vaca, Daruharidra, Guggulu, etc.

 For more details contact:

   📞Deira, Dubai, UAE : 055 3699446
   📞Satwa, UAE           :  055 6103056
   📞Ajman, UAE           : 052 6474941

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