Thursday, March 9, 2023

Ayurveda clinic Near Me

 Before starting any treatment, your comfort is important. With Kottakkal Ayurveda, you can get treated at home by doctors who have a lot of experience. They will think about your physical and emotional health and find ways to help you based on that. Kottakkal Ayurvedic Medical Center offers services at home for all kinds of body pain, care after giving birth, rehabilitation after a stroke, and so on.

For more details visit Kottakkal Ayurvedic Treatment Center

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Treatment for Menopause

 Ayurveda doesn't see menopause as a disease, but rather as a time of important change in a woman's life. It's a time when a woman needs to be healthy in all ways: physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually. In Ayurveda, menopause is seen as something that can be managed. The Kottakkal Ayurvedic Medical Center has health and wellness programs that are made just for you.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Disc Bulge Treatment Dubai

The majority of stomach aches, such as those caused by gas, indigestion, or a muscle strain, are not serious. Other conditions may necessitate emergency medical care. One of the most effective treatments for digestive issues is Ayurveda. Ayurvedic treatments address the underlying causes of your condition. In contrast to most other medications, Ayurvedic herbs rarely cause digestive system irritation. After a doctor has made a proper diagnosis, Ayurvedic treatments will eliminate symptoms at their source. Consult immediately!

Kativasthi is a popular Ayurvedic treatment  for Disc bulge

Helpful in treating all lower back ailments including acute and chronic back pain.

Benefits of Kati Vasti:

  • Alleviates numbness due to Sciatic nerve compression & most types of low-back pain.
  • Strengthens back muscles which maintain normal curvature of the spine the bone tissues.
  • Effective treatment for any type of back pain & spinal disorders, stiffness, and other back concerns related to spinal disc problems.
  • Increases the circulation in the region & highly effective in inflammatory conditions.
  • Kati Vasti alleviates lower back conditions like Lumber Spondylosis, Inter vertebral disc prolapses, Lumbago (low backache), and Sciatica.
  • Alleviates pain associated with fracture, dislocation, spinal tuberculosis, and tumors.
  • Strengthens the joints, muscles, and soft tissues around and enables you to resume back your work and activities

Ayurvedic treatments will eliminate symptoms at their source. Book an appointment now!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Ayurvedic Treatment for Cholesterol

 Did you know that high cholesterol is a significant risk factor for heart disease, the leading cause of death?

Excessive cholesterol can be harmful. This is because cholesterol and fat can accumulate in the inner walls of the arteries that supply blood to the heart and other parts of the body over time. This can result in artery narrowing (atherosclerosis), which is a major cause of heart and blood vessel disease. Learn the critical steps to lower LDL cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and even death. Ayurvedic cholesterol treatments

Dietary restrictions, massage, yoga, breathing exercises, behavioral changes, exercise, cleansing, heat therapy, enemas, and herbal supplements are all part of ayurvedic treatments for high cholesterol.

Kottakkal Ayurvedic Treatment Center offers the best treatment for high cholesterol. Get relief with the Expert Ayurveda Doctor in Ajman and Dubai

For more details contact:
📞Deira, Dubai, UAE : 055 3699446
📞Satwa, UAE : 055 6103056
📞Ajman, UAE : 052 6474941

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Child Obesity Treatment

Obesity in children is the biggest problem we all need to fight against right now. Maintaining your child's health includes calculating their BMI and looking into the negative effects of obesity. Call us right away to schedule a well-child visit. Treatment for obesity in kottakkal Ayurveda involves more than just weight loss; it also involves adjusting your metabolism by eliminating excess Ama and fats in order to balance Kapha and prevent Vata from getting worse. Because it fortifies the body's tissues and amplifies the digestive fire, a healthy metabolism is crucial. Yoga and dietary guidelines from Ayurveda can aid in weight loss and the treatment of obesity.

kottakkal ayurvedic treatment centre provide child obesity treatments are

  1. Panchakarma.
  2. Vaman (Therapeutic emesis),
  3. Virechan (Therapeutic purgation),
  4. Lekhan vasti (Medicated enema) are advised for the management of Sthaulya.
  5. Single drugs: Guduchi, Vidanga, Musta, Sunthi, Amla, Vaca, Daruharidra, Guggulu, etc.

 For more details contact:

   📞Deira, Dubai, UAE : 055 3699446
   📞Satwa, UAE           :  055 6103056
   📞Ajman, UAE           : 052 6474941

Monday, February 20, 2023

Ayurvedic Treatment for Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition that makes the hand and wrist hurt, numb, tingle, and feel weak. It happens when the median nerve in the wrist is put under too much pressure. This nerve gives feeling to the thumb, index, and middle fingers, as well as half of the ring finger. People who have jobs or hobbies that require them to use their fingers over and over again, especially with a lot of force, for a long time, or in ways that make their wrists move and shake a lot, are at risk.  

Recommended Therapies

  • Abhyanga
  • Greeva vasti
  • Swedana
  • Patra Pinda Sweda
  • Dhara

For more details visit our

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Autism Treatment Center

 Autism is a neurobiological developmental disorder characterized by reduced social interaction and communication as well as by repetitive and constrained behavior. The Kottakkal Ayurvedic Medical Center provides internal medications as well as external psychotherapy to treat autism based on whether the child is hyperactive or depressed.

The main cause Autism are:

  • Genetic factors
  • Marriage between blood relations.
  • Heavy metal and environmental toxin exposure
  • Pregnant women's exposure to certain substances, such as alcohol or drugs used to treat seizures

Autism can be detected in young children. Autism can be diagnosed using a variety of screening tests. The screening is done as part of routine developmental surveillance.

So, What Exactly Is an Ayurvedic Massage?

Unveil the Benefits of Ayurvedic Massage | Stress Reduction | Detox | Enhanced Circulation | Skin Wellness | Harmony and Balance Are you loo...